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19D Cavalry Scout - Sierra Madre California

Company: Army National Guard
Location: Sierra Madre, California
Posted On: 04/17/2024

As a Cavalry Scout, you are the eyes and ears of the armored division. You move ahead of your division, provide reconnaissance, and report vital information back to your commanding officer. You're providing critical on-site intelligence that enables the officer to make informed decisions. Duties may require you to secure and prepare ammunition on scout vehicles; operate individual and crew-served weapons; perform navigation during combat; serve as a member of observation and listening posts; gather and report information on terrain, weather, and enemy disposition and equipment; collect data to classify routes, tunnels, and bridges; and employ principles of concealment and camouflage. Helpful Skills --- Readiness to accept a challenge --- Top physical and mental shape Through training and practice in this specialty, you will develop qualities that are in demand by today's employers, such as leadership, discipline, courage, and the ability to stay cool under pressure. By joining the Army National Guard, you will be preparing yourself for a rewarding civilian career. Earn While You Learn Instead of paying to learn these skills, get paid to train. In the Army National Guard, you will learn these valuable job skills while earning a regular paycheck and qualifying for tuition assistance. - Job training for Cavalry Scout requires Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, which is combined in 16 weeks of One Station Unit Training. The training will take place primarily in the field, with some classroom training. Cavalry Scout training never really stops, though. Whether taking part in squad maneuvers, target practice, or war games, Cavalry Scouts are constantly working to keep their skills sharp, and are in a constant state of readiness. More...

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